2019 News
News from 2019:
Scouts Try Dives: Eleven members of a local scout group arrived together during one of our monthly try-dive nights to give scuba a go. Thanks to the number of volunteer instructors who had come forward we were able to take two groups in at a time for one-to-one instruction. All participants seemed to thoroughly enjoy the experience, with some scouts making plans to start training as soon as they reach the required age! Thanks to everyone involved and the club looks forward to being able to host similar events in the future.
BSAC Conference Presentations: Some fascinating and informative presentations were given at this year's BSAC Diving Conference held in Birmingham. Click here to see those recorded by BSAC.
AGM: The club AGM was held at The Hare Inn, Long Melford at 7.30pm on Wednesday 6 November.