2023 News
Latest News:
Pat Finn: Sudbury Scuba Club were very sorry to learn that Pat Finn passed away in December 2023. Pat was instrumental in the club's creation way back in 1970 and remained a central part of the club for many years, not only as Chairman, but also as a very active member. A great character, Pat's approach to diving and his many exploits have attained legendary status amongst those in the club lucky enough to have known him. The role he played in forming the club and what diving was like in Pat's pioneering days is described in the History section of this website.

Older News:
Diver of the Year 2023: Congratulations to Richard Jacques on being awarded the Diver of the Year trophy this year. This recognises Richard's rapid attainment of excellent diving skills, his qualification as an Ocean Diver and subsequent pursuit of Sports Diver, plus his willingness to engage with the club at every opportunity.

More New Ocean Divers: Very well done to Dan, Dave and Dean for passing as Ocean Divers after a good weekend's diving at Stoney Cove in July. Thanks again to our excellent instructors for giving up their time.

New Ocean Diver qualifiers: A decision to spend two days at Stoney Cove over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend to pack in some concentrated practical lessons for four of our Ocean Diver trainees proved very successful, with all passing with flying colours. The weather was kind to us and the viz reasonably good too! Thanks to our instructor team and other supporters for enabling this event, which will no doubt be repeated!
New Assistant Instructors: Congratulations go to Aiden, Emily, Kelly, Mairead, Malcolm and Tina for completing the Assistant Instructor Foundation course in March. This will help the club enormously as volunteer instructors are always needed to assist with try-dives and training. Thanks are due to Mark Jones who helped arrange for the course to be run at RAF Honington and to Steve, Keith and Tess from the on-site scuba club who hosted the course. Thanks also to the BSAC instructors for giving up their weekend and providing excellent instruction.

Socials: See the Socials page for upcoming and recent social activities.
Diving activity: Check out where we've been and planning to go on the Dive Trips page.